UI Coach - UI Design Practice Tool

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What is UI Coach?

UI Coach is a UI Design Challenge Generator that allows users to quickly generate practice challenges. The interface is pretty straightforward with only two buttons on the homepage.

Click "Generate Challenge" to load up your first UI challenge.

UI coach landing page
UI Coach offers free UI Design Challenges at the click of  a button

How to use UI Coach

One the app page is loaded, you will notice 4 different boxes.

  • Challenge – The client brief
  • Colour palette – Required colours for the project. Click to copy a colour.
  • Font pairing – Headline and body fonts to use in the UI challenge
  • Illustration library – Icon pack to use in the UI challenge

Related: UI Design is not UX Design

UI Coach app interface
UI Coach challenge generator interface

If you don't like the challenge you got, you can click the refresh icons in each box to change that element or click "refresh all" to generate a completely new challenge.

UI Coach challenge 1 - UI Design Challenges
UI Design Challenge 1 generated by UI Coach

UI Coach challenge 2 - UI Design Challenges
UI Design Challenge 2 generated by UI Coach

Other design challenges to try

Not a fan of the challenges provided by UI Coach? No problem. Check out these other design challenges available on the internet.

Did you try UI Coach? How do you like it so far? Let me know on Linkedin.


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