Q&A with Deangelo Humphrey

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Welcome to my weekly Q&A sessions where I talk to Jamaican creatives about their lives, their work and the contributions they make to Jamaica through their art.

Today’s interview will be with Deangelo Humphrey (@deangelo.jpeg), a Jamaican graphic designer that specialises in user interfaces and sports designs. Deangelo has over two years of visual design experience working with local and international clients in the restaurant and sports industry and even the University of the West Indies Mona Campus. I reached out to Deangelo over social media, and this is what he had to say.

The Interview

Who is Deangelo Humphrey?

I am Deangelo Humphrey, a young graphic designer and photographer

Deangelo Humphrey Photography
Deangelo Humphrey Photography

Where are you from?

I’m from Bedward Gardens, also known as August Town.

How did you come up with the name Deangelo.jpeg ?

Well, as I mentioned before, I am a photographer, and jpeg is a standard file format used by photographers when sharing images. So, I just tacked on the “.jpeg” to my handle, and the rest was history.

Where are you working right now?

Currently, I am freelancing full-time due to the current global pandemic that’s affecting many jobs in Jamaica.

Trailblazers website redesign concept by Deangelo Humphrey
Trailblazers website redesign concept by Deangelo Humphrey

What is your daily routine?

I try to design something new every day. I take inspiration from nature, television, social media, sports etc. It keeps me motivated and allows me to try out new or experimental design techniques that would not be practical for some of my clients. I have a real knack for corporate design, although admittedly, it is my least favourite design niche. My real passion is in sports; if you check my Instagram feed, you will see a lot of sports posters, scorecards and player stats that I create during my free time.

How do you handle rejection or criticism?

I handle it quite well. I’m always trying to improve the quality of my work, so if someone offers criticism, I will take it, identify those weak areas and improve on it.

How would you describe your design style?

Minimalist. I like simple, clean designs with an emphasis on the functionality of the piece while being visually appealing. I’m also a huge fan of design trends and will incorporate them into a design if it is suitable. Sometimes it can just be a mod thing, one moment I’m designing abstract art and other times I do minimalism.

Sports Jam UI concept by Deangelo Humphrey
Sports Jam UI concept by Deangelo Humphrey

What tools do you use daily?

I use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator as main design tools, but I’ll use Adobe Lightroom when working with photos from a camera.

What projects are you working on right now?

None at the moment. Unfortunately, my laptop is currently out of commission, but I’m trying to get it repaired as we speak.

What would you consider your greatest accomplishment so far as a Jamaican creative?

It was working within the University of the West Indies. It was a massive project related to an election campaign, and I had to produce a collection of graphics during a short amount of time. It was a lot of pressure, but I persevered, and I am happy to say that she won the election and I’d like to believe that my work played a part in that.

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"Korean Sun" by Deangelo Humphrey
"Korean Sun" by Deangelo Humphrey

Who are your favourite types of clients?

I like realistic and reasonable ones. I want to work with clients who understand the value of good design and can place trust in the professional to produce quality work.

Any trends in the industry that have caught your eye?

Definitely. I love the new wave of thin sans-serif fonts used in minimal design. I’m also a fan of the simplified logo designs that you see in tech startups from California.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to play basketball in my free time as it keeps my active and keeps off the extra pounds I gained during the lockdown.

Where do you find inspiration?

Behance, or Pinterest. Those are my go-to places for design inspiration.

What are your go-to sources for industry news?

I read a lot of blogs and magazines for industry news. YouTube is another excellent resource since I can use it while working.

How can people find you?

You can find me on Instagram at deangelo.jpeg or on Behance at the same name.

Deangelo Humphrey Photography

What are you doing to develop Jamaica’s creative industry?

I’m helping to develop the country’s creative industry by mastering the Adobe creative cloud suite and passing on the knowledge to younger designers in high school and college.

What’s next for Deangelo Humphrey?

I’m planning to start my design group that will allow Jamaican creatives to team up and take on projects that we would not be able to pull off on our own. I don’t have everything planned out as yet, but when I do, you’ll be the first to know.


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