5 quirky Lorem Ipsum generators that make wireframing fun

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Lorem ipsum dolor est...

We all know this common phrase. A line of dummy text made up of incoherent Latin gibberish frequently used by designers and developers as placeholder text in their projects. Lorem ipsum is so popular that even non-designers know what it is, and when something gets that famous, it becomes just as overused.

As a part of our journey to find alternatives for the infamous lorem ipsum, we’ve tried several options ranging from the boring and mundane to the absolutely batty. Eventually we came across 5 quirky lorem ipsum generators that will make wireframing and graphic design 100 times more enjoyable.

Meet the ipsums

  1. Jeffsum Ipsum
  2. Trump Ipsum
  3. Khaled Ipsum
  4. Logoipsum
  5. Client Ipsum

Jeffsum Ipsum

Jeffsum Ipsum is a pretty straightforward tool based around a straightforward shtick; sharing the Jeff Goldblum awesomeness with the world, one mockup at a time. Jeffsum Ipsum’s creator is Seán Halpin, a designer and creator of other web applications like browso.app.

Jeffsum Ipsum landing page

How to use Jeffsum Ipsum

To use the tool, just enter the number of paragraphs you want and hit “receive the Jeff” to generate your copy. The best part is that the text is in English and makes it a lot easier for clients to understand that it is just placeholder and not try to decipher what Lorem Ipsum means.

Related: 24 basic graphic design terms for non-designers

Trump Ipsum, "Make Placeholder Text Great Again!"

Trump Ipsum landing page

Trump Ipsum might just take the number one spot for our favourite Lorem Ipsum generator. The hilarious tool created by Jonathan Teixeira uses actual quotes from the 45th president of the United States of America and combines it with Lorem Ipsum to create some of the wackiest sentences ever.

Check out tihis excerpt the tool generated

It’s about making placeholder text great again. That’s what people want, they want placeholder text to be great again. I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things.

- Lorem J Trump

Say what you like about President Trump, but you can’t deny the sheer amount of fun you can have with these quotes.

How to use Trump Ipsum

To use the tool, just enter the number of paragraphs you want and hit “Make it Great Again” to generate your copy.

Khaled Ipsum, "Major Key Alert!!! 🔑🔑"

Khaled Ipsum landing page

Khaled Ipsum is another Lorem Ipsum generator using quotes from a celebrity but this one is based on the Major Key mogul himself, DJ Khaled. For those who don’t know who DJ Khaled is, he’s the guy who shouts, ‘DJ KHALED!!’ or ‘Anotha one’ in a lot of Drake, Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne songs. The quotes are lifted directly from his book, Major Keys to Success.

Khaled Ipsum hopes to inspire you with a bunch of self-help, motiviational mumbo-jumbo while you’re designing.

How to use Khaled Ipsum

To use the tool, just enter the number of paragraphs you want and Khaled Ipsum will generate your copy.


Logoipsum landing page

Logoipsum is a new placeholder logo generator from Signal Supply that allows designers and developers to instantly download 26 placeholder logos as SVGs. The major difference between Logoipsum and other lorem ipsum generators is that they generate logos instead of words. This can be great for designs that require you to visualise where the logo will go while waiting on clients to send you the files.

How to use Logoipsum

Just hover over the logo you want and click the download button. You can also click the icon to copy the SVG code.

Read our full logoipsum review

Client Ipsum

Client Ipsum is a sub lorem ipsum generator under the Office Ipsum brand. While Office Ipsum focuses on internal corporate jargon, Client Ipsum uses common phrases said by clients to designers. This one will either have you on the floor laughing because you've heard some of these responses before or seething in frustration from how often you've heard them. Either way, its definitely worth a shot.

How to use Client Ipsum

Just choose the Client Ipsum option, select the number of paragraphs and hit "Productize Deliverables".

Final Thoughts

We hope you have as much fun with these placeholder text generators as we did. Feel free to suggest some more Lorem Ipsum generators via LinkedIn and we'll try to respond to as many replies as possible.


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